Thursday, February 19, 2009

in my father's house there are many mansions - can I have my own bathroom?

When I grow up, I want my own bathroom.

  • I think I will paint it purple and have flowers in it.
  • It will be warm and it will smell, well, nice! It will not cause one to wrinkle one's nose and wonder, what is that smell? And where is it coming from?
  • It will not have children's toothpaste smeared on the counter.
  • It will not have cheeto fingerprints on the light switch, peanut butter fingerprints on the door handle, or some strange unidentified substance on other surfaces and walls.
  • One will not have to do a check of the potty and its surroundings for evidence that small boys have been frequent visitors.
  • One will not have to lock up one's toothbrush to keep it from be "cleaned" in said potty.
  • Nor will one have to extract "like a zillion pounds" of toilet paper from said potty following some sort of experiment to find out exactly how much said potty could take before it flooded the bathroom.
  • One will not have to keep a separate storage facility for things that would typically be found in the bathroom, but because of small explorers and destroyers must be kept off-site. You know, like mascara.
  • I will not be embarrassed for anyone to visit my bathroom, except that maybe I left my hairdryer out (because it would also be allowed to be, gasp, dare we say it? INSIDE the bathroom)
  • It will not be invaded within 30 seconds of occupancy by any person yelling "Mom?!? Where are you?"
  • One will not have to empty bath toys and other paraphernalia out of the shower before using it, trying not to drip last night's now cold bathwater on one's half-asleep early morning self.
  • The toilet tank will not do that sweaty toilet tank thing.
  • The rug will not have to be washed on a daily basis to free it from the peril of dirty shoes, fruit snacks, art projects, and other side effects of childhood.
  • It will be mine. And only I will be allowed to decide who comes in. If you're nice and don't violate it, you might make the list. Maybe.


Lisa February 20, 2009 at 5:57 AM  

Can I please be on the list???

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