Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Jake got one of the few coveted Title I spots in the district preschool. We have a lady in our ward who called us to tell us that there were only a few spots and would my Jake be interested. Uh, wait let me think about that - free preschool, four afternoons a weeks, and they bus? Am. I. interested? Yeah. So we ran and got the paperwork and he got tested and Monday the school bus came to pick up my big boy who looked so little climbing up the steps to get on the bus. His teacher is Miss Brenda and he LOVES school. Although he is wearing the Bumblebee shirt under his cookie sweater - to help him be brave.

Note, the dog sitting in our yard in the picture of Jake getting on the bus is not our dog. It's Libby the next door neighbor's dog. All the bliss of dog ownership without the stress and the poop detail. Let me just say though - Koda LOVES Will. He also tried to get on the bus to preschool, but like Mary's lamb, had to hang out at home with the rest of us. Enjoy the picture of Koda and Will, too. Also, Abby hates Koda and screams like he might be trying to eat her everytime she sees him.

Abby Lou Who

So, I'm usually not much for torturing pigtails into Abby's hair. Neither is she for that matter. In fact, she screams like a banshee if you start acting like you might be thinking about touching her hair. Usually she just looks sort of McCartney-esque circa 1964. But then I gave her a toothbrush to play with and turned her into Abby Lou Who. Isn't she cute?

Payback (or We Need a Marianne, Stat!)

So, 11/11 which was, incidentally Veterans Day, was also the Thanksgiving Feast at Sam's school. For two weeks he's been telling me this. Telling me he was a Native American (not an Indian) and that his Native American name would be Blue Horse, which wasn't really as cool as his friend's name - Arrowhead. Notes came home from the teacher hinting that there would be some costuming for the Feast, but the only instructions involved Sunday shirts for the pilgrims. Seeing as Sam was a Native American, I thought I was off the hook.

Then, morning of, Sam comes screeching into my room insisting he must have a costume for the Feast. WHAT?!?!?! I yell. I've asked you everyday for two weeks if you need a costume and you've said no. Needless to say I was being paid back for the all times I announced to my mother at like 11:30 pm that some major league project was do the next day and oh, I don't have any poster board.

So, drawing upon what little creativity courses through my veins (it's definitely not life sustaining) I channeled my inner Marianne and the memories I had of Thanksgiving feasts of yore and cut and taped a brown paper grocery sack into a Native American vest and tied it with Will's bootlace. (Have I mentioned that I'm usually allergic to craft-oriented activities? They make me break out in multi-syllabic cursing and encourage the invention of new phrases and words.) But we survived. The thing looked vest like and didn't fall off. Then Sam decorated it with Dakota symbols. (Apparently we have a budding Robert Langdon among us) and then insisted I draw on his face. My markers, paint, and virtually every other craft supply I own is trapped in the garage. So I used black liquid eyeliner. The result was a cross between an outfielder and a catholic on Ash Wednesday (it's supposed to be a triangle and line a Dakota symbol for something - ask Robert (I mean Sam)) - in a brown paper sack.

ps - I love you Mom! and Marianne!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Our little transformers - Megatron, Bumblebee (Mom, I'm wearing my bumblebee shirt under my costume), and Optimus Prime!

The fairy princess. Mad props to Trish who made the skirt. The headband barely survived the pictures and the shoes didn't last much longer. Have I mentioned Abby hates shoes? Wonder where she gets that from?

Sam had a costume parade at school and couldn't wear his transformer mask. So he was harry potter. cute, eh? He did have a scar, you just can't really see it here. His dad also found him a wand in the backyard which completed the ensemble.

Autumn Leaves

Happy Abby and friends in the autumn leaves.

And this shot courtesy of budding photographer Jacob, who said: "I told you I wouldn't drop the camera!"

Family Pictures, Take 2: The FAM

So, here's the family pictures. Contrary to the evidence provided below, we really do know how to smile. Just not all of us, all at the same time. Gmas, if you want copies, just let me know.

Family Pictures, Take 1 - The Boys

So, not long ago, we rousted Joe and Michelle out of bed on a Saturday morning and attempted to take some family pictures. This is the first set - all boys. Aren't they cute?


Naughty and I Know It...

Here's some pictures of the little princess climbing on Mommy's desk. She knows she's not supposed to, especially since the keyboard tray which she pulls herself up on rolls out. OUCH! But, she knows the mystical secret lies on that tray, in the drawer, and if she could ever crest the summit on top of the desk itself. I mean, really, if Will consistently gets in trouble for being up there - it must be where the good stuff is. Enjoy!