Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Only When You're the Mother of Boys...

So, Uncle Joe and Aunt Michelle came over tonight. Poor things, they came to the late afternoon craziness of Casa Bunker - the kind that few survive. The boys had been attempting to build a club house out of the couch cushions (and all their toys, because really what would a club house be if one didn't have ALL their toys inside to play with, right?)

After we all ate dinner and the boys taunted Joe about fighting him for the cantaloupe, it was time for Bunker boys play time. For those of you who haven't yet experienced this first hand, it can only be described as loud. Very loud. Rowdy. Very rowdy. Borderline dangerous rowdy. Excited screams of joy and delight are often punctuated by screams of pain as jumping boys miss and hit someone or something.

...As a side note, we have a little friend who sometimes stops by in the afternoon to join in the madness. He's the same age as Will and is (for now) an only child. He is very quiet and generally content to sit in his mother's lap. However, one evening after spending some quality time in Bunker boys play time, he climbed up on his couch at home when his Dad came home from work and, standing tall and proud demonstrated the proper technique for jumping off the couch. Complete with whooping. So, yeah, my kids teach other kids bad things...

So, usually the game with Uncle Joe is "see who can run away faster while Joe throws balls at us." The other day they played Sam got pegged in the face, so I think the game has sort of lost its appeal. Anyways.

Tonight someone got the brilliant idea to put Matchbox cars on the ceiling fan blades. This is really nicely facilitated by big, tall, Uncle Joe (6'5"). So, the boys took turns gathering up all the vehicles they could find (including the GeoTrax vehicles which are rather large) and piling them up for Uncle Joe. Then, with precision that would've made the Mythbusters proud, Uncle Joe systematically lined them up on the fan blades to see how fast and how far they would fly once the fan was turned on.

Somehow, Aunt Michelle, Mom, and Abby - all sitting in the path of danger - managed to come through unscaythed. Interestingly enough, so did the boys. I kept waiting for the Matchbox ambulance to take someone's eyes out, but I guess for once we managed to stay out of the "one last time" window my Mom was always telling us about - the window where someone is guaranteed to get hurt. And of course it was an accident. **Love you Mom!**

Anyways. Only with boys. I wish I'd gotten a picture of their excited dance as they waited to turn the fan on and then their dance with near death and destruction as they waited for the cars to rain down on them. Complete with Daddy-sized nightshirts hanging loose on their little boy bodies. Oh, and Will was only wearing a diaper. What can I say?

Have I mentioned, I love my boys? And Abby, I love her too.

PS - we love Uncle Joe and Aunt Michelle, too!


Lisa March 11, 2009 at 9:02 AM  

Oh brother- do NOT let my husband read this post!! He does not need any new ideas.

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