Tuesday, January 19, 2010

abby loves brownies

So, as you all know my boys are the world's pickiest eaters. It's true. Each uniquely picky, which adds to my culinary woes. Be that as it may, they all have one thing in common. They love dessert. Anything that even closely resembles dessert.

But Abby? Abby loves brownies.

My boys beg for dessert. Sometimes Will helps himself and then answers the question "what are you eating" with a perfectly timed "nothing" as parts of it are still rolling around in his mouth.

But Abby? Abby stands by the counter where the brownies are and cries. "What's wrong?" you ask. You pick her up, you get her a drink, take her in the other room, and two minutes later, she's back in the kitchen with the brownies.

Now I know she's only 1 and brownies should probably not have been part of her education yet, but brownies are an important part of mother-daughter bonding. This and mexican food. And one day (if I haven't acquired the willpower to give it up completely) Dr. Pepper. So yes, I've let her mooch brownies.

And now? Now she wants brownies. All. the. brownies. All. the. time. I have to hide the pan so she can't see it or I just have a whiney baby with a perpetual chocolate smile.

There is barely a bite left in the pan, now. Her work is almost complete. Maybe no more brownies for a while. Sorry dessert-loving boys!


the phipps February 11, 2010 at 9:09 PM  

Ah! We miss you guys! I can't believe how different Abby looks. We need more pictures of Sam so Kate can remember who she's going to marry :)

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