Monday, February 28, 2011

and this little abby....

...screamed all the way home. (but we'll get to that in a minute.)

Today was a whirlwind. Steve paid his ticket from the accident, I dropped of the last piece of my law school application, we went to the bank to get our loan for our the new BUNKWGN. We picked up Jake from school and then we headed up to Bountiful in Cocoa Puff (4 kids, 2 adults, honda accord, enough said) to get said BUNKWGN. Kids terrorized the place but somehow we still managed to get the guy to sell us the van. His office may never be the same.

Here's the scoop on the van (for those who like to know these things). It's a white (do they come in any other color?) Chevy 2002 Express 2500 with a 6 liter V8 engine. It has 27000 miles on it and the interior looks practically brand new. It was apparently the van that Jack Bauer and company didn't take out to blow up bad guys in. (No, really, it was a Fed fleet vehicle in a previous life.) It is also bi-fuel, meaning that it can run on natural gas (CNG) and on regular unleaded fuel. And the bi-fuel is OEM, so it came from Chevy that way and wasn't ghetto converted by somebody's shady brother in their backyard. The fuel automatically changes over, a phenomenon I experienced on the drive home...

when, after being in the car, the bank, the car dealership, and the car since 9am (it was now 1:15) this little Abby screamed all the way home. (here she is cute...this is the way we like to think about her...on the day when she couldn't stand to be the only Bunker not getting a haircut. I think I cut about 5 of the longest hairs on the back of her head. Steve couldn't even tell the difference.)
So she alternated between yell/moan/screaming "Mom" "Mama" "MOM-MAH!" "Mommy" and "I want to go to Old MacDonald's" "Please" "Please?!?" "Please!?!!!" And just flat out crying her eyes out. The whole way home. From Bountiful. For those of you non-Utahns, it was an hour drive. Comparable only to slow, spiraling, downward journey, with a long-lost Italian, to you-know-where.

When recounting the tale to his father, Jake mentioned that all he really wanted to do was go to sleep, but he couldn't because Abby kept begging for McDonald's.

Because the van is 12 passenger, I'm not sure who slept and who didn't. Those in the last two rows might just as well be in China somewhere. I think me and BUNKWGN are going to be good friends...

But we made it home, got Sam, went (at last) to Old McDonald's where all were satisfied with their fairy princess and race car toys, back to the bank, to Daddy's work, and then home. Where we all terrorized each other because we were, in reality, too pooped, to, well, you know...and then I whippped them all soundly (figuratively speaking, of course) and put them to bed.

PS - prego update. I can now not only not see my feet but at most points during the day (due to some bizarre-o pregnancy circulation thing) I generally don't feel them either. Heck, for all I know they fell off somewhere and the kids have been playing Star Wars with them. 21 days.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The many faces of Will...

i love this boy.

i asked him if he wanted a brother for his birthday.

he said, "no mom. can we go to chuck-e-cheese instead?"

3.21.11 - chuck-e-cheese for will's b-day

3.22.11 - bunker5 b-day

the first face is the one the sunbeam teachers love. the second one is the one they fear - it means sunday clothes are coming off and flying their way. true story.

i think his shirt should say football or rugby, don't you?

And His Name Is...Saka!

On Sunday, we picked up the most recent addition to our family. His name is Saka. (For those of you who don't get the reference, my boys LOVE Avatar: The Last Airbender the Nickelodeon cartoon - see here: The brother on the show is named Saka and he and his sister are from the frozen lands. Since Saka is a white German, we thought the name fit.

Oh, you thought I was announcing the new baby? Sadly, no. We still have 28 days until Bunker5 (no, I'm still not revealing his name) arrives.

Here's a picture of Steve, Abby, Will, Georgia (our 9 month old German) and Saka (our 9 week old German). Georgia is a girl dog and Saka is a boy dog. On the way home from Draper, Jake kept saying, it's okay Saka, we're taking you to meet your new bride. The things that kid says.

Speaking of the car ride, Steve was driving our Accord (because our va
n was in accident and totaled V-Day weekend) and me and 3 of the kids were in it. Saka didn't want to be in the car. In fact, he went totally beserk-0 (also a Jake quote). I had him on my lap b/c my hips were ravaged from church and I couldn't drive the manual transmission b/c of the pain. (28 days. 28 days. 28 days. I have to repeat this to myself when it seems like pregnancy will never end).

Those of you who know me know I'm not a dog (or any animal) person. Wrestling this little fella was not a picnic for me. In the midst of the mayhem on the freeway (the kids were going at it in the back seat, too) Steve missed our freeway exit. The next exit results in at least a 10-15 min extension of the trip. Literally 3 miles from the house (after the detour) Saka decides to let me know why he's been hating me in the car.


So, covered in dog barf with the kids yelling "ew gross" from the backseat, I'm begging Steve to roll down the window before I lose it. (Pregnancy and the sense of smell and my weak gag reflex not a good combo). By the grace of God I made it the last 2 miles home with my head out the window. We pulled up to the house and I got cleaned up. Saka seemed much better (must've been carsick or just stressed from the car) and met his "bride."

Here's a little video, for those of you who love my kids so much you'll be patient with the fact that it's pretty boring. Yes, those are my pregnant legs and yes that is my pregnant belly and yes (to all you boys I consistently refer to as Pills - you know who you are) I can still get bigger and probably will. (28 days).

Love to you all,
The Bunkers
Steve, Meredith, Sam, Jake, Will, Abby, Bunker5, Georgia, and Saka

ps - for those of you who wonder why a person who dislikes animals as much as I do has two dogs, look back up at the smile on Steve's face in the picture above. These are his dogs and he loves 'em lots. What can I say? I'd do just about anything for that man. :)