Tuesday, March 30, 2010
little pink eating machine
For those of you who don't know, my boys (specifically sam and jake) don't eat. oh, if it's a dessert, they eat it. but if it has anything smelly (garlic, onions) anything saucy (enchiladas, spaghetti) or anything in a strange form (not balled up hamburger that's on daddy pizza, but flat hamburger on a bun, for example) it will not be eaten. These are the words typically found in our house:
"Mom, what is that disgusting smell?"
"Mom, that smells gross, I'm not eating that."
"Mom, what's in that?"
"Mom, do I like that?"
"Mom, I'm not eating that."
"Mom, you know I don't like that, why are making that?"
"Mom, is that Daddy dinner or kid dinner?"
"Mom, is there kid dinner tonight?"
For the most part, I have to exempt Will from these protests, though that has been of little comfort given the fact that Will used to eat dirt wherever he could find it. So, the fact that he liked my cooking wasn't really saying anything.
So imagine my surprise at being the mother of a little pink eating machine. Her first time in a restaurant she INHALED an entire big kids size portion of mac and cheese. She eats pancakes two-fisted. The other night I made chicken pot pie, it was pooh-poohed by boys who went to bed without dinner because there was no alternative kid dinner that night, and she ate hers and theirs. In addition, Abby eats like she knows something we don't - like the end is near and this is the last decent meal she'll ever eat. To illustrate, some mac and cheese photos, a la Abby:
Posted by Meredith at Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1 comments
happy 3rd birthday will - part ii
A crown, some presents, a bit with a cake, all these doth a birthday make!
ps - the crown was still in the car on sunday morning, so the birthday boy insisted on wearing it to Sacrament Meeting. I think Heavenly Father understands...
pps - right after the video stops, Will leaned down and licked the cake. guess that was his piece!
Posted by Meredith at Tuesday, March 30, 2010 0 comments
happy 3rd birthday will - part i
Because Will's birthday was on Sunday, we celebrated in two parts. The first included going to Ogden Union Station (http://theunionstation.org) where they have a train museum...in a train yard...with real trains.
For those of you who don't know, Will loves trains. We regularly empty the train section at the children's library of all its books. He especially loves steam engines. Our original plan was to go to Heber to ride the train, but after discovering that they rarely give tours and most of the winter trains are diesel, not steam, we opted for the museum.
Steve and all the boys went (I got a call last minute to play for a funeral in our ward). As you can see, they had a great time. NOTE: there are a train bell - on the floor - in the museum. Apparently the boys were ringing the life out of it by the time Steve (and the ancient docents) got to the bell where the sign said: please don't ring the bell. Oh well.
And yes, Will is wearing a birthday crown. Happy Birthday Will!
Posted by Meredith at Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1 comments
sing me a song
This is Abby's favorite perch at our beater piano where she likes to climb, even if the chair is pushed in and she is then wedged under the keyboard, and sing and play...
Posted by Meredith at Tuesday, March 30, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Shameless Plug
Dear All-
I have a fabulous sister-in-law who is the craft goddess to my anti-craft. She is creative and talented. I am, well, creatively challenged. She designs and makes fabulous things. I dream about designing and making fabulous things and then wake up and remember, oh yeah, I'm creatively challenged.
And guess what? She's gone ETSY and now you can all partake of the goodness. Her things are one of a kind and guess what - she'll make them just for you. Go to her ETSY site
And if you see something you like order it. If you see something like something you'd like (it's just the wrong color or whatever) go to her blog http://mdjust4you.blogspot.com and leave a comment for her. And she'll get back to you.
Keep in mind, she's just starting out, so not all of her stuff is up yet. But check back often and you'll be glad you did!
Much love to you all!
(and a big whoop-whoop to Marianne, Crafting Goddess)
ps - yes, Marianne, that was a whoop-whoop. I'm getting my Provo on, and all that. Wait until you hear me say mountain. UGH.
Posted by Meredith at Wednesday, March 03, 2010 1 comments