Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the run

Here's little video to show our little lady as she usually is - on the run! I'm not smart enough to rotate it, so I apologize for the crick in your neck caused from repeated sideways viewing.

ps - will thought he'd hidden the balloons from her...alas.

Little lady

I woke up the other day and realized I'm losing my baby. We now have a little lady - 14 months tomorrow!

mom, fun dip is GOOD

So in his valentine booty from preschool, Jake brought home fun dip. After a few false starts in the delivery system, he plunked himself on the dining room table, dyed his mouth and fingers green and proclaimed "Mom, fun dip is GOOD" Then he asked me if they had fun dip when I was little. Yeah, I answered. When Grandma was little? Probably not. That's too bad, because fun dip is GO-OD! I had to snap a picture.

my little valentine

nothing says I love you like hearts and chocolate. xxoo

my piano

so, Steve and I have been looking for a cheap, used (but playably in-tune) piano for our family. This search has been prodded along (and not gently I might add) my Sam who just have to have piano lessons - even if some girl at school told him they are only for girls.

so one night, I went into their room to find this creation on the floor. What is it? I asked. Jake answered, I made you a piano, mom! Thought it up and built it all by himself. We love Jake.

ps - as of today, we think we found one and will (hopefully) have it this weekend!

William Loves Trains (and Abby Godzilla)

So, Will LOVES trains. This all started during the Christmas season and the daily viewing of The Polar Express. Now, any show that has a train in it is Will's favorite. We have train books, train movies, train everything. He even begs me to watch train videos on Youtube. For his birthday (3/21) I'm taking him to ride the Heber Valley Railroad - he can't stop talking about it. He asks me everyday when his birthday is. Here's Will playing with his geotrax trains while being attacked by Abby Godzilla - who just likes to tear things up!


So this is the last snow I can remember us getting - it was in December. Now it rain-snows. That's right. Utah, land of the greatest snow on earth and it's been averaging about 40+ everyday. I probably jinxed myself when we bought snow gear for the kids for Christmas. Sorry Sam's sideways - but I had to include this picture - because SAM LOVES SNOW. If he could he probably would be up at Sundance or Brighton everyday with Uncle Stephen, where apparently they're getting the snow without the rain.

i get it, i get it - a picture's worth 1000 words

after much prodding from grandmas - you know who you are - today was picture/video upload day. I hope you all appreciate the effort this took. See, I've converted almost exclusively to laptop, except for pix. Those go on the desktop. Which is, as you might guess, on the desk. Which is, as you might also guess, the dumping ground for virtually everything in my home. So, to upload pix, I had to clean the desk - to unearth the computer. So, yesterday was a cleaning frenzy and today you all reap the benefits - enjoy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Off Topic

So, as is our usual custom at casa Bunker, as I'm trying to feed, bathe, dress, and then dump my kids in bed by myself every night, I usually start making up silly songs - to pass the time, to move slow movers along, to quell the crying, and keep myself sane.

no - do not ask me why insanity keeps us sane. just accept that it does. i know i do.

be that as it may, i started singing an alphabet song to the tune of the dinosaur abcs for all you privileged enough to be familiar with the pbs show dinosaur train. it went like this...

"a for abby katie
b for bunker baby
c for cutie katie
d is for

at this moment my mind goes blank as to what d descriptor could be used for the beautiful child swimming away from me in the tub so in silliness i said...

d is for dog."

Will laughed. mom is so silly.
Jake laughed. seriously so silly.

Sam? Sam said and I quote: "Mom, that is off-topic."

The joys of the first grader.

I sang it again for good is seriously so silly.

ps - for those of you who've seen the movie UP, may I just share: not long ago my boys looked out the back window and saw the neighbor's dog, Koda. They then said to me, "mom, why is Koda wearing the cone of shame?" to which I responded, "you know, I really don't know." Because really, can you imagine my boys repeating any explanation I could've given for neutering to people at church? REALLY?