what did you get your wife for mother's day?
Many people asked Steve this question when he arrived at church on Mother's Day without his family. He answered: "I let her take all four of the kids to St. George for the weekend."
And it's true. We spent Mother's Day (the kids and I) with my grandparents in St. George and we had a fabulous time! The kids discovered a new park and Grandma and Papa got to meet Abby. The car trips (going and coming) were not nearly as bad as they could have been, thanks in part to Abby's overall good nature and the effect of Jenny Oaks Baker on her - calms her right down! God bless Jenny Oaks Baker.
Below are some pics of the kids with Grandma and Papa - playing tic-tac-toe and marbles.
Sniff. This post makes me miss Grandma & Grandpa Durr. And you. And your kids. And St. George.
But I'm so glad you got to go, and the trip went well. Love to you!
hey this is jaime and mark! didn't know you had a blog. add us! we never ever update it but just like to get on to see other people's updates!
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