Monday, September 13, 2010

A Poem (and a surprise)

There was a young mother
Who lived in a house roughly approximating the size of a shoe.
She had four lively and clever children
And quite often had no idea what to do.

She fed them and washed them and put them to bed
But somehow
They wound up hungry and dirty and tired again.

There were days filled with chaos, laughter, and tears
Dishes, more dishes than could ever be counted
And laundry in piles that continually mounted
A wild ring around the walls at a consistent three feet
And something hiding in the back of the fridge that’s starting to stink.

But despite all the messes, despite all the fights,
Those four growing children were a daily delight.
They noticed the things she’d grown too tall to see
And reminded her of God’s love, his strength, and unfailing mercy.

It was in one of those moments
As she knelt by the bed
Begging God for more patience and more love in each day
That he whispered something quite unexpected instead.

“Don’t you feel it?” came the voice, quiet and pure
“Something’s missing,
“Someone’s missing
“What you need is one more.

“Here by my side is one noble and true
“Finished with those first lessons
“And waiting for you.
“Is your heart ready?
“Are your hands open?”
She heard the voice ask.

Then she turned her eyes heavenward
As if to ask are you sure?
She paused to gaze on each face before her,
Perfect and bright, whether angry, sad, or hungry,
They were her joy.

“But how?” she asked quietly
“I already have four.
“How can I do it
“When there is one more?”

The answer, unwavering had been as before
When she knew that her family still needed one more.
“My daughter, if you do as I ask
The blessings will come.
Starting, as you well know,
With the birth of this one.”

And so she said yes
And the man by her side,
Though puzzled as she was by the chaos wherein they reside
Trusted God when He said
One more needed to come

And so in springtime, dear family and friends
Another Bunker will be born.

Steven, Meredith, Sam, Jake, Will, Abby, and ?? (Mar 2011)